International Seminar on Creole Languages for Post-graduates II:

"Phonology, Syntax and Semantics of Creole Languages"

Munich 25.-29.8.2009
Institute of Romance Philology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität

Following the success of last year's Seminar on Creole Languages for Post-Graduates I in Coimbra (organized by Prof. John Holm and Prof. Jürgen Lang), we are organizing a second edition in 2009, chaired by Prof. Jürgen Lang (Erlangen) und Prof. Ulrich Detges (Munich). This year's sessions will focus on semantics, phonology and (morpho)-syntax. The seminar will be composed of seven sessions (of about 3 hours) moderated by experienced researchers. They will give an input based on their own research in creolistics about specific aspects and problems and lead the following in-depth discussion with all participants of the seminar. This proceeding has proved to give room for a very fruitful exchange of experiences and insights. All graduate students (advanced students, doc- or post-doc level) working on or interested in creole studies are invited to participate in this international workshop. Conference language will be English.

Furthermore we are planning a poster session where anybody who’s interested is welcomed to present his own project or studies. If you want to join, please let us know: registration.

Please register until 20-July-2009.

We're looking forward to continue the positive experience from Coimbra together.
For any futher questions please contact

Sponsors: Münchner Universitätsgesellschaft, LIPP - Linguistik Internationales Promotionsprogramm, Institute of Romance Philology & LINCOM Verlag

Last modified: 2015/12/28 18:38